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EPBF ranking system


The EPBF ranking consists of 6 groups:
1. EPBF Grand Slams
2. EPBF Masters
3. EPBF 600
4. EPBF 400
5. EPBF 240
6. Winter Series

Each group receives different point's recognition as does position, similar to the ranking in Tennis. The highest number of points being given to Grand Slams and reducing accordingly to EPBF 240's.
There is no limit to the number of events a team can enter, and every result will be counted in the EPBF ranking. Teams will not need to submit their results as this is done by the EPBF and all event & league operators. The ranking will be published on the official EPBF website where all teams, sponsors & interested parties will be able to see every teams ranking.




Ranking 2015 will start from the results of National Winter Series 2014/2015.

National Federations should send their request and the Winter Series schedule to info(@)epbf.net. The events results should be send not later than 2 weeks after the event, so the results can be included into EPBF Ranking.

The National Winter Series results will be counted based on the Ranking Table.

Approved Winter Series for 2014/2015:
1. DPL Winter Series 2014/2015;
2. Ice Ball Russia 2014/2015.

In 2014 groups are defined as follows:

EPBF Grand Slam Events -Millennium Series Events in 2015:

• Mediterranean Cup - South of France: March 27th - 29th
• European Masters - Germany: May 8th - 10th
• Campaign Cup - London: July 3th - 5th
• World Cup - Paris-Chantilly: September 18th - 20th

EPBF 600 Leagues in 2015:

  • French Paintball League (LNP)
  • Russian Paintball League
  • German Paintball League (DPL)
  • Great Britain Paintball League (CPPS)

EPBF 400 Leagues in 2015:

  • Polish Paintball League (PLP)
  • Norwegian Paintball League

EPBF 240 Leagues in 2015:

  • Belgian Championship
  • Austrian Paintball League (OPBL)
  • Ukrainian Paintball League
  • Dutch Paintball League (NPL)

EPBF 600, 400, 240 Events - These groups include the National Leagues events of the Federations, affiliated with EPBF in 2015.



Ranking 2014 will start from the results of National Winter Series 2013/2014.

National Federations should send their request and the Winter Series schedule to info(@)epbf.net. The events results should be send not later than 2 weeks after the event, so the results can be included into EPBF Ranking.

The National Winter Series results will be counted based on the Ranking Table.

Approved Winter Series for 2013/2014:
1. DPL Winter Series 2013/2014;
2. Ice Ball Russia 2013/2014;
3. Belgium Winter Series 2013/2014.

In 2014 groups are defined as follows:

EPBF Grand Slam Events -Millennium Series Events in 2014:

• Mediterranean Cup - South of France: April 4th - 6th 2014
• European Masters - Germany: May 16th - 18th 2014
• Campaign Cup - London: July 4th - 6th 2014
• World Cup - Paris: September 26th - 28th

EPBF Msters Events:

  • French Open – 29-30 March 2014
  • Russian Open – 14-15 June 2014
  • German Open – 16-17 August 2014
  • Polish Open – 6-7 September 2014

EPBF 600, 400, 240 Events - These groups include the National Leagues events of the Federations, affiliated with EPBF in 2014.



Ranking 2013 will start from the results of National Winter Series.
National Federations should send their request and the Winter Series schedule to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The events results should be send not later than 2 weeks after the event, so the results can be included into EPBF Ranking.
The National Winter Series results will be counted based on the Ranking Table.

Approved Winter Series for 2013:
- Crosffire Winter Series (Belgium);
- NPL Winter Series (Netherladns);
- Ice Ball Winter Series (Russia);
- Xmas Cup (Ukraine);
- Polish Winter Series (PLP).

In 2013 groups were defined as follows:
EPBF Grand Slam Events - Millennium Series Events in 2013
EPBF 600, 400, 240 Events - These groups include the National Leagues events of the Federations, affiliated with EPBF in 2013.


In 2012 groups were defined as follows:

EPBF Grand Slam Events

Millennium Series Events
23.-25.March 2012St.Tropez-Cannes (France)
25.-27.May 2012 - Bitburg (Germany)
29.06.-01.07.2012 - London (UK)
12.-14.October 2012 - Paris-Disney (France)

EPBF 600, 400, 240 Events

These groups include the National Leagues events of the Federations, affiliated with EPBF in 2012.


In 2011 groups were defined as follows:

EPBF Grand Slam Events

Millennium Series Events
20 27 March 2011 Paris (France)
20 22 May 2011 Bitburg (Germany)
1 3 July 2011 London (UK)
30 Sept 2 October 2011 Paris (France)

Grand Tour Event
10 11 September 2011 Vienna (Austria)

EPBF Masters Events

Grand Tour Events
30 Apr 1 May 2011 Venice (Italy)
18 19 June 2011 Lviv (Ukraine)
30 31 July 2011 Warsaw (Poland)

International Events recognised by the EPBF
3-4 December 2011 Lviv Xmas Cup (Ukraine)

EPBF 600, 400, 240 Events

These events are the national leagues which are split into 3 groups dependent on the number of participants.
France: LNP
Germany: DPL
Poland: PLP
Austria: OPBL
Ukraine: UAC




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